Boîte de 10
Fabriqués en plastique recyclé.
Matière flexible et bout biseauté pour faciliter le mélange dans les godets en plastique.
Forme en S et trous pour accélérer le mélange des teintes.
Dimensions : 20 x 2 cm
Applications Sol : Réparation & mortier
Applications Revêtement incolore - Décoration - Bijoux
Applications Mastic - Enduit de finition
Applications Surf - Planche - Ski - Kite – Skate
Applications Aquarium – Pour contact alimentaire
Applications Époxy pour carbone
Applications Bois : Collage et revêtement
Applications Nautisme - Plaisance
Applications Bricolage - Maquettes
Applications Coulée - Remplissage - Calage de lest
Applications Carrosserie - Carénage - Tuning
Applications Étanchéité
Remerciez les maîtresse de vos petit bouts en leurs offrant un petit coffret parfumé Coffret 1 : Une bougie douceur d’enfance Une poudre aspirateur Fleur de Lotus ( 100g ) Un fondant parfumé ourson ( vanille ou rhubarbe fraise ) Coffret 2 : Un sachet fait moi fondre vanille ou fraise rhubarbe une bougie Chocolat Gourmand. Une suspension Dressing Aloe Vera merci de préciser en commentaire les parfums souhaité. Il est possible de réaliser les mêmes coffrets pour ATSEM, Nounou, Maître cire de soja parfum de grasse fabrication artisanale
Conserves Guintrand
Réchauffer notre ratatouille niçoise dans une casserole, à feu doux, et accompagnezen vos viandes rouges ou blanches, en y incorporant leur jus de cuisson, que vous aurez réservé. Si l’on a pas de viande en accompagnement, notre ratatouille niçoise fera votre régal simplement réchauffée, et arrosée d’un filet d’huile d’olive. Froide ou légèrement rafraîchie, elle sera très agréablement appréciée telle quelle, dans les repas d’été, en entrée ou en légumes, agrémentée là aussi d’un léger filet d’huile d’olive crue et fruitée.
Maison Lesage
Assortiment de chocolats fins.
Rocher lait, Rocher noir, Piémont lait, Crousti’croc, Vinay, Palet Or lait, Palet Or noir, Café, Vanille, Camarguais, Trianon, Thé, Onctueux, Truffe, Verveine et 1 Grand Cru
Poids moyen d’un bonbon chocolat 13G
Type de chocolat Pur beurre de cacao
Maison Lesage
Assortiment de chocolats fins.
Poids moyen d’un bonbon chocolat 13G
Type de chocolat Pur beurre de cacao
Conservation Dans un endroit sec entre 14 et 17°c
Dégustation A déguster à 20°c dans les 8 semaines suivant votre achat.
La couleur et la teinte de la peinture seront inspectées à l'aide d'un colorimètre et d'un caisson lumineux de contrôleur de couleur pour garantir la précision et la cohérence des couleurs de vos pièces.
Industries appliquées:dispositif médical
Industries appliquées:Génie mécanique
La couleur et la teinte de la peinture seront inspectées à l'aide d'un colorimètre et d'un caisson lumineux de contrôleur de couleur pour garantir la précision et la cohérence des couleurs de vos pièces.
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-spoons; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden spoons in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 100 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden spoons means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДЛЧ-110
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-forks; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden forks in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 150 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden forks means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДВ-165КУ100/25
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-forks; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden forks in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 100 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden forks means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДВ-165КП100/40
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-spoons; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden spoons in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 100 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden forks means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДЛ-165КУ100/25
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-forks; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden forks in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 100 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden forks means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
165 mm-long tableware items are made of durable natural birch wood without any glue. This natural material ensures the items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden eco-cutlery means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Set of disposable 160 mm-long wooden ECO-spoons; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden spoons in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 100 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden spoons means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДЛ-160КП100/40
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-knives; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden forks in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 150 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden forks means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДН-165КП100/40
Set of disposable 165 mm-long wooden ECO-knives; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden knives in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 150 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden knives means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДН-165КУ100/25
Set of disposable 160 mm-long wooden ECO-knives; consists of durable tableware items made of birch wood without any glue. The items have smooth surface and are environment-friendly; they do not emit any harmful substances when heated and won't affect either smell or taste of your food.
You can buy these wooden forks in either small or large bulk; they come in a pack of 100 pieces.
Wood is biodegradable – buying disposable wooden forks means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood
Vendor code:ДН-160КП100/40
150 mm-long spatulas are made of natural and durable birch wood without any glue. This is an environmentally friendly product, safe for humans and nature.
Wood is biodegradable – buying wooden spatulas means helping the environment and nature stay clean.
Material:birch wood